Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Khaki  Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Headband Multipurpose
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Khaki  Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Headband Multipurpose
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap

Kaki Oliba Boho Head Wrap Wide Ile Wrap

Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €24,95
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €24,95 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.unit_price
  • Aurreikusitako entrega:Mar 22 - Mar 26

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Khaki Olive Boho Head Wrap Wide Hair Wrap

Kaki Oliba Boho Head Wrap Wide Ile Wrap

Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €24,95
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €24,95 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.unit_price
Produktuaren Deskribapena
Garbiketa eta zaintza

Gure luxuzko buru-estalkiak edozein momenturako osagarri ezin hobeak dira. Zetazko ehun leun batez eginak, boho-buruko estalki hauek arinak eta erosoak dira janzteko. Beren distira dotorearekin, luxu ukitu bat ematen diote edozein jantziri. Lagunekin kalera joan, zita batera joan, yoga praktikatzen edo ile-egun alferra pasatzen ari zaren ala ez, gure zetazko buru-estalkiak aukera anitzekoak dira.

Gutxi gorabehera 58"-ko luzera eta 6"-ko zabalera neurtzen dute, geruza bikoitzeko oihal luzagarri hauek buru edozein tamainari egokitzeko diseinatuta daude. Tamainari buruz ziur ez bazaude, neurtu aurretik.

Ingurumenean dugun eragina serio hartzen dugu. Horregatik, gure ontzi guztiak %100 birziklatutako materialekin eginak daude. Tijerilu-paperetatik hasi eta kaxetara eta posta elektronikoetaraino, munduari ekartzen diogun plastikozko hondakin kopurua murrizten ahalegintzen gara. Uste dugu material merkeagoak eskuragarri egon daitezkeen arren, lurraren epe luzerako kostuak ez duela merezi.

Sartu joerarekin eta oparitu zeure burua harrigarria ez ezik zure balioekin bat egiten duen zetazko buruko zorro batekin. Bizi ezazu zetaren luxuzko sentsazioa planetan eragin positiboa duen bitartean. Eskuratu zurea gaur!

  • Etxean garbitu 30°C-tan edo gutxiago, antzeko koloreekin.
  • Ziklo leuna.
  • Labean lehortu baxu edo zintzilikatu lehortzeko emaitza onenak lortzeko.
  • Ez egin lixiba.
  • Burdinatu bero baxuan behar izanez gero.
  • Ez garbitu lehorra.

Customer Reviews

Based on 385 reviews
Looks and feels great. Thank you.

Looks and feels great. Thank you.

I didn't realise it was a long length of m...

I didn't realise it was a long length of material rather than a circular head band. Once I got over that, I really like it and it wraps around enough times to create a wide headband effect. Really nice. Thank you.

Purchases: Denim Blue, Boho Head Wrap; Eme...

Purchases: Denim Blue, Boho Head Wrap; Emerald Green, Twist, Stretch Headband; Plum, Satin Lined Beanie.

Headwrap: LOVE. Color is more like baby blue. So many fun ways to tie this. Perfect length, width, and stretch. Already have more colors in the cart.

Headband: LOVE. Great to quickly get hair out of my face. Will probably get more.

Beanie: LIKE. it's a little tight and hard to get my hair into. And because of the slouch it will fall off your head unless you pull out down onto your forehead. These issues are about personal perferences. The quality of the product is A+

The shipping was super fast. I was impressed considering it's coming from Europe. Love these purchases and will buy more <3

Reviews in Other Languages

This is my 2nd one so very happy with it

This is my 2nd one so very happy with it

Beautiful head scarf quality material

Beautiful head scarf quality material

Coccinelle Stoltenberg
Cet article est magnifique. Très long et d...

Cet article est magnifique. Très long et d'une superbe qualité. Envoi rapide produit de réelle qualité je vous le conseille.

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