Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend, Plaid Scarf, Original Design, Winter Scarf, Made In Italy
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend, Plaid Scarf, Original Design, Winter Scarf, Made In Italy
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend, Plaid Scarf, Original Design, Winter Scarf, Made In Italy
Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend, Plaid Scarf, Original Design, Winter Scarf, Made In Italy

Malba jacquard zapia, cashmere zeta artile nahasketa

Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €190,15
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €190,15 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €253,54
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.unit_price
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  • Aurreikusitako entrega:Jan 26 - Jan 30

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Mauve Jacquard Scarf, Cashmere Silk Wool Blend

Malba jacquard zapia, cashmere zeta artile nahasketa

Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €190,15
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €190,15 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €253,54
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.unit_price
Produktuaren Deskribapena

Gure luxuzko Jacquard Cashmere/Artlea/Zeta nahasketa Plaid zapia zure armairuak behar duen zapi dotorea, beroa eta dotorea da! Italian egindakoak, gure jacquard zapi arinak gure diseinu originalak dira. Zapi luze eta izugarri leun honek bero mantenduko zaitu hilabete freskoetan zehar, urteetarako eta datozen urteetarako lagun ezin hobea bihurtuz.

. 27,6" (70 cm) X 70,87" (180 cm)
. Cashmere/Artlea/Zeta Nahasketa
. Diseinu originala
. Jacquard Teknika Tradizionala
. Eskuz amaituta


Diseinu original hau plaid estanpatu klasikoetan inspiratu zen. Inprimatu ezagun bat eman nahi izan dizugu, baina bira batekin. Hau benetako zapi klasiko modernoa da! Osagarri ezin hobea izan daiteke edozein jantzi jazzerako. Jar ezazu zure jertse gogokoenaren gainean edo bildu zure beroki gogokoenaren azpian. Beste kolore askorekin ondo uztartzen diren bi koloretan dago.

Moda eta funtzioa gure Jacquard Cashmere/Artle/Zeta nahasketa zapi ederrekin bat egiten dute. Zapi handi honek bero mantenduko zaitu hilabete freskoetan zehar, eta urtetan eta hurrengo urteetan izango duzu.


Cashmere bezain luxuzkoa da, eta artilearekin eta zetarekin uztartzeak are leunagoa eta luxuagoa den leku batera eramaten du. Kaxmir/artile/zeta nahasketa elkarrekin ehuntzen da zapi arin eta izugarri beroa egiteko.

Jacquard teknika nahiko korapilatsua da. Distira sofistikatua, eguzkitan bizia hartuko duena, harien ehundura horizontal eta bertikalaren emaitza da. Jacquard-ek oso ehundura sotila ematen dio zapiari, eskuak zeharkatu ahala senti dezakezuna. Diseinua ere alderantzizkoa da, beraz, koloreak zapiaren atzealdean posizioak aldatzen ditu.


Gure zapiak nahikoa handiak eta luzeak dira, nahi duzun estiloan biltzeko, jantzi eta bihurritzeko. Arina denez, ez da inoiz erabatekoa sentituko.


Gure zapiak Made In Italy dira, non modaren industriak bere pieza luxuenak eraikitzera jotzen duen. Italia ez da soilik modaren sinonimoa, kalitatearen eta luxuaren sinonimoa da, gure diseinuak eraikitzea nahi genuen leku bakarra bihurtuz.


Garbiketa lehorra bakarrik


Zapi bakoitza luxuzko kutxa eder batean iritsiko da, birziklatutako materialekin egindakoa, kontsumo osteko poligono-zinta birziklatuz apainduta.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Felicia Lebsack
The scarf is absolutely beautiful. The jac...

The scarf is absolutely beautiful. The jacquard weave makes it seem like two scarves in one. It's very soft and warm, and because it's light I will feel comfortable wearing it into spring.
It's large and versatile and the colors are even more beautiful in person.
Shipping was quick and I would purchase from this business again. Beautiful packaging too!!!

Felicia Schamberger
The scarf is absolutely beautiful. The jac...

The scarf is absolutely beautiful. The jacquard weave makes it seem like two scarves in one. It's very soft and warm, and because it's light I will feel comfortable wearing it into spring.
It's large and versatile and the colors are even more beautiful in person.
Shipping was quick and I would purchase from this business again. Beautiful packaging too!!!

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