woman wearing a Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse
Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse
Breezy Tee Eco Friendly Packaging
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
woman wearing a Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse
Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse
Breezy Tee Eco Friendly Packaging
Breezy Tee Featured in Publications
woman wearing a Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse
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Emakumezko eta gizonentzako satinatutako txapela - Txano leuna eta beroa, satinazko forruarekin ilea babesteko txilar grisarekin

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Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €27,95 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price
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  • Bidalketak eta itzulketak: Ikusi behean gure ohiko galderak eta politikak.

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woman wearing a Satin Lined Beanie for Women and Men - Soft and Warm Beanie with Satin Lining to Protect Hair in Dark Mocha Mousse

Emakumezko eta gizonentzako satinatutako txapela - Txano leuna eta beroa, satinazko forruarekin ilea babesteko txilar grisarekin

Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price €27,95
Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.sale_price €27,95 Translation missing: eu.products.product.price.regular_price
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Produktuaren Deskribapena
Garbiketa eta zaintza

Gure Dark Mocha Mousse gris satinatutako kapela da burua berotzeko eta ilea babesteko modu perfektua. Ehundu bigun eta arin batekin egina, kapela erosoa da egun osoan zehar edo gau osoan zehar janzteko. Satinazko linetik frikzioa eta apurtzea murrizten laguntzen du, hezetasuna itxita mantentzen du, zure ilea leuna eta frizik gabe.

'Mocha ilun hau mousse beanie guztiak, ile motak barne, ile kizkur, olatu eta zuzenetarako perfektua da. Gainera, zure gustu pertsonalarekin bat etorriz, kolore desberdinetan ere eskuragarri dago.'


  • Frizz, haustura eta muturrak murrizten ditu

  • Hezetasuna blokeatzen du

  • Ile kizkurretarako eta beste ile mota guztietarako bikaina

  • Leuna eta erosoa janzteko, elastiko organikoarekin


Saiatu gure Dark Mocha Mousse gris satinatutako kapelina gaur eta ikusi nola aldatzen duen!

  • Etxean garbitu 30°C-tan edo gutxiago, antzeko koloreekin.
  • Ziklo leuna.
  • Labean lehortu baxu edo zintzilikatu lehortzeko emaitza onenak lortzeko.
  • Ez egin lixiba.
  • Burdinatu bero baxuan behar izanez gero.
  • Ez garbitu lehorra.

Customer Reviews

Based on 422 reviews
Very nice and cute, as described. I like i...

Very nice and cute, as described. I like it.

I have long hair and during the winter I p...

I have long hair and during the winter I prefer this hat to all my others. It stays on, keeps the hair tucked in and when I take it off my hair is shiny and without static. I bought two. Highly recommended

The item is as described and the hat color...

The item is as described and the hat color matches the exact color in the picture. I will wear this early Spring or Fall since it's lighter weight.

Reviews in Other Languages

Schöne Farbe, angenehmes Material. Ist ein...

Schöne Farbe, angenehmes Material. Ist ein Geschenk für eine Freundin. Sie wird sich sicher freuen

I have long hair and during the winter I p...

I have long hair and during the winter I prefer this hat to all my others. It stays on, keeps the hair tucked in and when I take it off my hair is shiny and without static. I bought two. Highly recommended

Beautiful beanie and fast shipping/deliver...

Beautiful beanie and fast shipping/delivery 😍

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